Dinasty The representations of the tropics or territitories defined by global imaginaries such as exotic, are a common theme in Ana Maria Millan’s work, who uses as reference audiovisual and cinematographic discourses that belong to mass culture to comment and different scenarios of colonialization and also to revert those uses of otherness made by hegemonic cultures. Inside fictions of mass consumerism such as cinema, it is common to depict tropical landscape inspired on notions that have been received from colonial times and that have straight connectiosn with christian mithology. The tropical, the jungle, the uncknown and in this series more preciselly we see how the new territories were identified with the notion of hell received from the jew christian tradi- tion.The heat, the noises, the diversity and monstruocity of species bring a perverse attention to a world where traditional and civilized laws do not apply. A space where otherness rules and there is an anarchy difficult to understand for eurocentric cultures. Western history has created a savage tropic in which the white civilian has perished in its constant and anxious intent to reorganize it following is cultural parameters. Following the above, Millán proposes a model that destabilizes the logics of…